Monday, 22 April 2013

How to use GitStack with Visual Studio 2012

Source control is an integral part of software development, and a good source control tool not only increases developer productivity but also helps in managing your software development cycle more effectively. Recently on Jan 2013 Microsoft announced they have started supporting Git server. Using Git instead of TFS is a great option simply because for TFS 2012 you will need a dual core system with 10 GB RAM and 300 GB Hard disk space minimum. For someone like me, such huge resources in a small company is not a viable option. In comes Gitstack server with its easy to use web interface and extremely light software which I installed on a Windows 2008 VM (2 GB RAM and 40 GB disk space) on my ESXi host.  

Now here are the steps to follow if you want to quickly jump to using Git and GitStack for your Visual Studio projects:

1. Download and install Git for Windows (the latest version at this time is: Git- from and install it on your client machine which has the Visual Studio Projects.

2. Download Git Extensions Git Extensions will help you use Git without using command-line interface and also allows you to integrate Git with VS 2008/2010/2012. Make sure you check the option of installing KDiff editor for merge-compare. Otherwise you can download it separately from: While installing Git be aware of line ending conversions. There is a nice explanation here.
The new version contains git server so you don't need to take step 1.If Git Extensions don't have the latest version then go ahead download the latest version. 

VS 2010, VS 2012 users, it is recommended to install Git Source Control Provider within Visual Studio by selecting Tools | Extension Manager.Run Visual Studio. Go to Tools | Extension Manager, search online gallery for Git Source Control Provider and install.

4. After installing Git SCC, restart VS, and then go to Tools -Options -Source Control, and select Git Source Control provider in the drop down.

5. Create a new Visual Studio project or you may already have one. This project will need to get "pushed" to the new repository that you will create on GitStack. Right click on the Project and select create git repository. This will create a .git folder to track the changes.

This is a Personal repository that will be created in your solution folder and the files in solution explorer will be marked as new. You should see Git Pending Changes (master). If you don’t, right-click anywhere in Solution Explorer and select: Git Pending Changes.

At the moment, we’re working with a Personal Repository. If we want to create a Central Repository we need to do it via Git Extensions. You can select from the menu bar: Git –> Initialize new repository and a window will popup. Select the target folder, specify: Central Repository and click: Initialize.

6.Now copy the Project folder from the client machine to the GitStack server in C:\GitStack\repositories. Login to Gitstack web server and import the project. This will be a empty repository. Add a user to give access to it. In case you want more info on how to install and configure GitStack follow their documentation

7. Once the repository has been initialized, go back to the "Git" main menu in VS header, and select "Manage remotes" option. In the Remote repositories tab, enter your repository name, and in the URL field, enter the HTTP address for example http://user01:password@ and click on save changes.

8.A prompt window will open up asking you to for the default push/pull behavior. Click OK, and close this window.

9. Now you need to "commit" and "push" your project files into the remote repository on GitStack. To do this, right click your VS project (or solution if you have multiple projects), then select Git -> Commit. To upload your changes, select Push. You will see the standard "locks" in all your project files in VS. Now you can even work in check-in-check-out mode.

Working with existing repositories on GitStack
10. If you already have an existing repository on GitStack, and you just wanted to download it locally and get started, then open VS2012 and select Git ->Clone repository. Enter the repository HTTP address (you can get this from your GitStack repository page), select the local destination folder where the files will be downloaded to. Add the subdirectory name where the code will be downloaded. Note that for HTTPS/HTTP auth, if you want to avoid entering username and password each time you do a push/pull, the repository URL should be in this format: https://username:password@urIPaddress/username/repositoryname.git

11. Git will download all your files from the remote repository, and you can immediately start checking out the code!